SE “Zorya”-“Mashproekt” participates in the project on constructing a gas turbine power plant on pyrolysis fuel derived from municipal household waste


SE “Zorya”-“Mashproekt” has become a participant in the joint project on constructing a gas turbine peak-power plant on pyrolysis fuel derived from municipal household waste (MHW) in Mykolaiv region. Mykolaiv companies TOV “Electrim-2000” Engineering Company and Maintenance Enterprise “RESPECT BUSINESS”, LLC, a manufacturer of ventilation equipment and industrial machines, also participate in the project.

As of today, the companies have jointly developed a project of the gas turbine power plant intended for balancing the electric power system during the moments of peak loads. The GTPP will consist of the following components: MHW sorting line, pyrolysis plant for liquid fuel generation and two gas turbine power generating units. The power plant will demonstrate advanced environmental characteristics.

In addition to ensuring a stable power supply during the hours of peak electric power consumption, the purpose of the project is to solve the problem of municipal household waste accumulation and of its useful recycling in an environmentally acceptable way.

The power plant is designed for recycling about 55 tons of municipal household waste per day. During the hours of electrical network peak-load, the GTPP will be able to generate 10 MW of electric power.

A pilot power plant is planned to be constructed in the vicinity of one of the municipal household waste landfills in Mykolaiv region.

Projects of power plants operated on fuel derived from MHW are being actively introduced in the EU countries. In 2020, approximately 50 million tons of MHW were converted to energy. Using MHW as an energy source material is aimed, primarily, at removing waste dumps.

SE “Zorya”-“Mashproekt” is a leading Ukrainian manufacturer of gas turbine engines for power plants. Among the projects implemented by the Enterprise is the power generating unit operated on fuel derived from industrial waste (Canada).
