SE “Zorya”-“Mashproekt” has become a member of Design Engineers Professional Development School


On April 20, the Design Engineers Professional Development School was launched being a joint project of the State Concern “Ukroboronprom” and the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.

Specialists of the SE “Zorya”-“Mashproekt” are also participating in the project. In the School, the training will be received by young promising design engineers and experienced specialists – project managers.

The purpose of the project is to modernize expert knowledge of technical-and-engineering staff, project managers and programs on optimization of managerial decision making aimed at improving the competitiveness of products in the national and global markets.

The School training course will be tailored to include three main modules: the System Engineering, the Modern Information Technologies in Designing and Manufacturing of Knowledge-Intensive Products and also the Innovative Development of Enterprise & the Management of Innovative Projects and Programs.

At present, education and training of personnel is one of the priority areas of the Enterprise development. It should be reminded that in 2021 the Enterprise entered into the cooperation agreement with the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding. One of the areas of cooperation will be coordination of activities related to multilevel training of specialists, their further employment and also enhancement of skills of SE “Zorya”-“Mashproekt”’s employees.

Last year, the School for Young Specialists commenced its work in the Enterprise. The project is designed to support and adapt young specialists of working and engineering specialties, their further development and career advancement.

