Zorya-Mashproekt has concluded the contracts on overhaul of gas turbine engines of several gas-compressor stations.
Under the terms of contracts, a total of 11 GTEs of various outputs will be overhauled. As a result of the overhaul the engines t.b.o. period will be extended by 20 thousand hours. The total value of the contracts is estimated approximately at 490 million hryvnias.
The equipment to be overhauled will be delivered from gas-compressor stations “Dykan’ka”, “Uzhgorods’ka”, “Grebenkivs’ka”, “Romnens’ka”, and “Sophiyivs’ka”. These stations are of crucial importance to the transportation of gas from the Ukrainian gas fields, filling of underground storages, transit through the territory of Ukraine, and reverse-flow deliveries of gas from Europe.
It is anticipated that the first batch of engines will be delivered to the Enterprise by the end of the summer.
SE “Zorya”-“Mashproekt” is involved in implementation of several projects on upgrading the stations of Gas TSO of Ukraine. For example, the Enterprise has carried out the project on upgrading three gas-pumping units of “Grebenkivs’ka” gas-compressor station, thus increasing the economical operation of the equipment by 15% and improving the environmental performance to such values that comply with the requirements of Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU.
At the present time, SE “Zorya”-“Mashproekt” is working on the large project on upgrading “Yagotyn” gas-compressor station which is a key station in transporting domestic gas and one of the priority sites for upgrading.
To date, about 110 gas turbine engines manufactured by SE “Zorya”-“Mashproekt” are operated at 20 gas-compressor stations of Gas TSO of Ukraine.