Engine with improved thermal protective coating of combustion liners sent for industrial operation


ДН80 engine from “Romnenska” compressor station overhauled at the enterprise in accordance with the agreement with Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine became a pilot engine equipped with a set of combustion liners with a new thermal protective coating.

SE “Zorya”-“Mashproekt” issued an extended warranty to the customer for the set of combustion liners, nozzles, fixing devices, nozzle vane assembly and blades of the engine high pressure turbine.

The technology of applying double-layer metal-ceramic coating was developed by specialists of SE “Zorya”-“Mashproekt” metallurgical complex, it provides reduction of combustion liner walls temperature by 45˚С. The coating is performed by plasma spraying on a new robotic station – AP-50 full-featured plasma system manufactured by Flame Spray Technologies company (the Netherlands).

Plasma spraying technology is the world’s “gold standard” in making coatings for the turbine hot gas path parts as it enables creation of coatings that substantially decrease the parts temperature and, subsequently, extend their service life.

Denys Gordiyenko, General Director of SE “Zorya”-“Mashproekt”, points out:

– Tests of the combustion liners set carried out at “Zorya”-“Mashproekt” research department demonstrated high efficiency of the new thermal protective coating as well as high quality of the coating application. This provides a substantial increase of the combustion liners thermal resistance and eliminates the effect of high-temperature chemical corrosion factors. Thus we have made one more substantial step in solving the problem of extending the engines service life.

In 2021 the enterprise will switch to serial production of combustion liners with a new type of thermal protective coating.

During the year 2021 SE “Zorya”-“Mashproekt” also introduces new grades of thermal resisting alloys in serial production of gas turbine engines. Due to the use of new promising materials the engines service life will be extended by 50 pct.

