

26317 May 2019 is the 65th anniversary from the USSR Council of Ministers Directive for the South Turbine Plant Construction. The plant was intended for the gas turbine engines experimental and batch production. The main customer was the Soviet Navy. The new branch of industry was created by the best brains of the Soviet Science and technology.

Within more than half a century period the enterprise produced and transferred to the customers about 30 models of the main and accelerative gas turbine engines for the naval and merchant vessels. They are installed on board more than 25 percent of the world sea-going ships. The total engines power produced by the enterprise constitutes 33 percent of all the sea-going ship engines summarized power.



The 45-60MW pilot engine has been mounted. The engine is designed for electric power generation. The engine was installed at the text facility of Kaborga village (Ukraine). The pilot and test surveys have been performed for validation of the stated data.


Zorya-Mashproekt has completed the project of designing and manufacturing of industrial prototype of 5MW electric power installation. It is used for providing the independent power supply of the companies with low and average energy consumption. Another key field of engine application is the oil and gas deposits which don’t have the alternative sources of energy. There our 5MW gas turbine generator proved its robust operation.


Zorya-Mashproekt enters the African market. The dual-fuel gas turbines with the power of 25MW have been designed for Ghana’s customer. The engine has met the required environmental performances.
The work on manufacturing the 25MW power pack “on a turn-key basis” has begun.
That year can be considered as the starting point of the rapid economic growth. The indicators of commodity release and product sales increased significantly in the same year.


Zorya-Mashproekt State Enterprise developed a hydraulic dynamometer composed of the hydraulic brake Навигатор-45 and gear boxes РС-1 and РС-2 for the customer from China. The hydraulic dynamometer is designed for testing and further development of gas turbine units.


At Stavishenska gas compressor station, Kyiv region, the first of the kind 16 MW power plant Aquarius with UGT 10000 gas turbine was mounted and launched. Its main peculiarity is vapor inlet in the air-gas channel of the engine. All equipment underwent balancing and commissioning in the 1st/3rd quarter of 2003 and in October 2003 it started working at the gas-main pipeline.
In Byelorussia two co-generative plants ГТЭ 25 with UGT 25000 turbine were put into operation at Berezovskaya power station and one more power plant model ГТЭ-15Ц with UGT 15000 turbine works at the cement mill in Kostukovichi.
UGT 16000 power plant was sent to Salekhard where it will work using gas or diesel fuel. It is the first in CIS power plant of the kind.
At Ivanovskaya power plant, Russia, UGT 110000 engine started its functioning.
On the base of UGT 15000 a new combined marine gas /diesel engine of 27500 hp was created.
M73 power plant for the merchant hovercraft were forwarded to the customer. It is constructed on the base of two UGT 6000 gas turbine engines of a very special design. They have two power takeoff flanges – from the low pressure compressor and from the power turbine.
M79 power plant having 10000 hp capacity for an hovercraft is now under testing.
For Novgorod power station in Russia a 3.0 MW turbo-expander was delivered.


Acceptance inspection of the ДН70Л engine was successfully ended. It is a new base turbine UGT 10000 which is included in the updated power plant ГПА-10МН70.01.ОП at Kirovogradskaya compressor station, Ukraine. A batch production of the turbine was started.

1990 – 2000 

New, specially designed turbines and converted marine power plants of 3, 6, 10, 16, 25 МW capacity, with 30-36 % efficiency output were developed for compressing stations construction and modernization.
Block-module co-generation power stations development for electric and heat energy production with 75-85% efficiency output was started.
Steam-and-gas power plants of 16, 25, 35 МW capacity with steam injection for capacity enlargement were created. Their efficiency output is 42/45 %.
A unique power plant «Aquarius» (4.2-40 MW capacity, its efficiency output is 35-42%). Steam injection and condensation applied in one-shaft engine for electric generators were developed. They were

UGT 2500, capacity 2.85 МW, efficiency output 28.5% (1993 )
UGT 110000 110 МW, efficiency output 36% (1997).

1995 – 1998 

Production of the 4th generation turbines М80, ДН-70 with their efficiency output 36-37% was started. During that period single-stage turbine engines ГТД2500 and ГТД110 for blocked-scheme generators’ driving gears had being developed.

1985 – 1991 

The 4th generation turbine М80 (UGT 25000) having 27500 KW capacity and efficiency output 36% was constructed and built.

1971 – 1985 

Development and batch production of the 3rd generation М70, М75, М90 turbines of 30-35% efficiency output for gas turbine plants that can be used on board all vessels and ships and for industrial application, batch production of the earlier constructed plants М15, М16, М21, М35.


On board the high-speed container ship ATLANTIKA the М25 aggregates of COGAS type were mounted. The aggregates could successfully compete with diesel engines. Due to steam turbine contour, the specific consumption was reduced by 25%.


Development of ДР-59 engine for the supercharger drive used in ГПА-10 gas piping aggregates.


Gas piping aggregates ГПА-10 of 10000 hp capacity were developed.


Development of the original gas turbine plant M25 with the heat utilization.


Gas turbine plants introduction into the national industry:
•          floating cogeneration power stations Severnoye Siyaniye equipped with gas turbine generators ГТГ10 (10 МW) and ГТГ-12 (12 МW), working on diesel fuel and on natural gas;
•          gas turbine power trains Mayak, equipped with ГТГ4000 (4 МW), and Fakel, equipped with ГТГ12 (12 МW);
•          stationary power stations with ГТГ20 (18 МW) и ГТГ22 (18.5 МW).

1969 – 1976 

The first converted gas turbines application at the floating cogeneration power stations Severnoye Siyaniye gas turbine power trains Mayak. The first stationary power station construction with КР-12 engine.

1965 – 1969 

The 2nd generation highly economical turbines М60, М62, М8К, М8Е were developed. Their main features were better acoustic parameters and service life up to 10000 h.
On their base highly economical plants М5, М7, М9, М12, М21 were constructed and transferred to the batch production. The turbine power plants were installed on the sea-going anti-submarine ships, on the landing craft and guard ships.
Technical parameters of the gas turbines allowed to enlarge distance of navigation. For hovercrafts and air cushion vessels ДТ4 и М10 main power plants were developed.

1955 – 1964

First generation turbines М2, Д2, Д3, М8 were developed and built.
They were installed on the anti-submarine and guard ships. An original main gas turbine МЗ aggregate was constructed and produced in 1958. It was intended for big anti-submarine warships and equipped with 2×36000 hp RV reducer.


The first of the kind М1 marine turbine engine was issued to the batch production. It was created on the base of an aircraft turboprop engine developed in the design bureau directed by S. Kolosov.

May 1954 

The South Turbine Plant Zorya was placed in operation. The plant was intended for the gas turbine engines experimental and batch production. A design bureau for gas turbine engines and plants constructing was organized.


According to the Soviet Heavy Engineering Minister’s Directive, the South Turbine Plant construction started in Nikolaev. The plant was intended for the steam turbine engines production. The customer was the USSR Navy.
